Quality Policy


The FIDES Management establishes and keeps updated a quality policy that defines its objectives and where it reflects the orientation of all the company’s activities described in the system. This quality policy is declared mandatory and is disseminated to all staff, ensuring that it is understood by all.

It is developed in the following points:

To fully satisfy the needs of the client, providing our clients with independent and high-quality professional services, carrying out our work in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards, issued by the Institute of Certified Auditors of Accounts of Spain and/or published by the Accounting and Auditing Institute, in order to meet the following objectives:

– Obtain reasonable assurance that all professional personnel, at any level of responsibility, maintain their qualities of independence, integrity, objectivity and professional secrecy.

– Obtain reasonable assurance that the professional staff has the necessary training and capacity to enable us to adequately fulfill the responsibilities and functions assigned to them.

– Decide on the acceptance of continuity of clients, taking into consideration our independence and our ability to provide an adequate service and taking into account the integrity of the Management and its Shareholders.

– Obtain reasonable assurance that the planning, execution and supervision of the works have been carried out in compliance with our quality requirements, ensuring that the audit reports issued by FIDES are appropriate to the circumstances.

To meet these objectives, all our actions are carried out with our clients in mind.

  • Implement the philosophy of Continuous Improvement with the aim of achieving services that are increasingly satisfactory for our clients. To this end, a quality F.4.01 Program of Objectives will be established annually and efforts will be made to develop in all staff a mentality of constant improvement in their workplace, not only detecting faults and their causes, but also recognizing potential faults and their elimination in time.
  • Get the motivation of all the staff as an essential condition for the future of the company. The Management is fully convinced that the success of the company depends fundamentally on the performance of its workers, so it will provide the means to ensure that all staff feel motivated and participate in Quality improvement actions. It will establish all the necessary mechanisms to improve internal communication at all levels of the company.
  • Manage risks preventively, avoiding the acceptance of clients that could damage the image of the firm because they are in high-risk sectors with low internal control or detecting already accepted clients who, due to market circumstances or the economic situation, could be potentially dangerous.

The Management is aware that in order for the above guidelines to be effectively implemented in the company, it must make the necessary material and human resources available to the staff, which it undertakes to provide.

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